1. Compare the structure of the atria and ventricles - how are they different? Why is that?
The left ventricle is larger than the right ventricle because the left ventricle must pump blood to the whole body, while the right ventricle needs only to pump blood to the lungs.
The atriums are smaller than the ventricles because the atrias only need to pump blood to the ventricles, and the ventricles must pump blood to the lungs and the entire body.
2. Did you notice a difference between the veins and arteries entering and leaving the heart? How is their structure different?
3. Describe the valves that you found in the heart - what are their functions?
Tricuspid Atrioventricular (AV) Valves: valves between right atrium and right ventricle.
Mitral/Bicuspid Atrioventricular (AV) Valves: valves between left atrium and left ventricle.
Both AV Valves control the flow of blood between the chambers and keep blood from flowing backwards.
Both also have strong and fibrous strings called chordae tendineae that support the valves and keep them from inverting.
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve: valves between the pulmonary trunk/artery and right ventricle.
Aortic Semilunar Valve: vales between the left ventricle and aorta.
Both semilunar valves are crescent moon-shaped and also prevent back flow of blood into the ventricles.
4. What surprised you about dissecting the heart? Why?
I was surprised that there was so much chordae tendineae and valves to look at and see because I believed they would be slightly larger and have a much less quantity. I was also surprised at how strong the valves were. They looked really thin, but when felt they were very stretchy and tight.
I was surprised that the arteries and veins were so difficult to spot and see which was which. I expected them to be easy to point out because its obviously much easier on paper, but on the real thing it was really hard.
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